What Acne Spots on Your Face Mean, According to Science

Acne can cause pimples, blackheads, whiteheads, and cysts. Scientific research suggests that acne spot placement can reveal their causes and health risks.

1. Forehead

T-Zone acne: Head acne is commonly caused by oil production and comedones. Hormonal imbalances, stress, and oily hair care may cause it.

2. Cheeks

Contact Dermatitis: Contact dermatitis, induced by skincare product irritants or environmental allergens, can produce cheek acne. Digestion Issues: Cheek acne may be caused by digestion difficulties or diet, such as high-sugar or high-dairy diets.

3. Nose

Sebaceous Filaments: Small, pin-like nose spots are natural sebaceous filaments that channel oil. They are not blackheads and usually harmless. Poor Pore Cleaning: Poor washing can cause nasal acne by clogging pores.

4. Chin and Jawline

Hormonal acne: Chin and jawline acne is often linked to hormonal changes, especially in women. This acne can worsen after menstruation or hormonal fluctuations. Dietary Factors: High-glycemic meals and dairy may cause chin and jawline acne in some people.

5. Overall Face

Stress: Chronic stress raises cortisol levels, which increase oil production and skin irritation, worsening acne. Hygiene, skincare: Poor washing and moisturization might cause face-wide acne.

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