Top 5 Pelvic Floor Exercises From a Physical Therapist

An intricate network of muscles and tissues forms a hammock-like structure between the pubic bone and tailbone as the pelvic floor. "The pelvic floor is involved in bladder, bowel, and sexual function, as well as pelvis and surrounding areas of the body," including spine and hip stability.


1. Happy Baby

On the floor, face up. Bring your knees to your chest to form 90-degree air angles. Face your soles at the ceiling. Hold the outsides of both feet for two to three minutes, breathing deeply, head on the floor.

2. Static Squat

Stand with toes out and feet somewhat wider than hip-width apart. Comfortably lower your hips. Press palms and knees apart with elbows inside. Extend spine. Put a brick or two under your sitz bones and breath to relax your pelvic floor. Keep blocks 1-2 minutes. Repeat rounds without blocks for 10–20 seconds.

3. Chair Pose

Hip-width apart. Put hips down so thighs form 45-degree angles with floor in heels. Knees shouldn't surpass toes. Put your elbows parallel to your ears (or shoulder-high if overhead is hard). Work your pelvic floor using a block or rolled hand towel between your feet and thighs. Hold positions 10–20 times.

4. Bridge Pose

With bowed knees and flat feet, lie face-up on the floor. Walk your shoulders in and cross your hands behind your back or on your sides or tummy. Exhale and reach knee level using pelvic floor, core, arms, shoulders, glutes, and hips. Hold each 10–20 times for seconds.

5. Belly Breathing

Cross legs or rest on your back with bowed knees. Feel your breath move forward, sideways, and backwards without extending your upper chest and neck. Pelvic relaxation and lengthening. Normalise your pelvic floor, diaphragm, and rib cage by exhaling. Repeat 10 times.

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