Top 10 Healthiest Sources of Vitamin C

Vitamin C, which is also called ascorbic acid, dissolves in water and is not kept by the body. In other words, we need to make sure that the food we eat every day gives us the right amounts.


1. Blackcurrants

Blackcurrants are small, round, purple-black berries that taste sour. One 80-gram dose gives you 200% of your daily vitamin C needs, which is thirty times more vitamin C than blueberries.

2. Broccoli (raw)

Broccoli has vitamin C raw or cooked. Crudités, smoothies, juices. Serve it briefly steamed with your main dish or in soups, stir-fries, or salads. A cup of raw broccoli has 60mg of vitamin C, higher than daily needs. Vitamin C is heat-sensitive and water-soluble, thus cooking reduces it to 48mg per 80g meal.

3. Green pepper

Like red peppers, green peppers are flexible and less sweet, making them helpful in stir-fries, Turkish eggs, and fiery salsas. Half a large green pepper provides about twice your daily vitamin C, B6, folate, and fibre.

4. Guava

Guavas are tropical fruits that can be eaten whole or scooped out. You must remove the seeds from larger fruits. Juice them, add them to fruit salads, or jam them. One guava fruit provides three times your recommended vitamin C, fibre, folate, and potassium.

5. Kale (cooked)

Kale, a ‘super food’, has beta-carotene and four times the vitamin C and two times the vitamin E of spinach. Healthy immune systems require certain nutrients. This leafy green can be added raw to smoothies and salads or cooked to pasta, curries, or steamed.

6. Kiwi fruit

The brilliant green tropical fruit is usually eaten raw. Just peel, chop, or cut in half and scoop out the meat with a teaspoon. It goes well with fruit salad, yoghurt, and smoothies. Kiwis include vitamin C, vitamin K, and fibre in little over your daily intake.

7. Orange

Many of us love this juicy, colourful fruit. Orange segments can top breakfast bowls, fruit salads, and salads. The peel, which makes up 40-50% of the fruit, has more minerals like iron and copper than the flesh. One orange provides all your vitamin C, folate, calcium, and magnesium needs.

8. Papaya

This fruit comes from the tropics and has soft skin. Make a salsa out of it, put it in a smoothie, or use it as a snack. You can easily get enough vitamin C from half a small papaya. It also has some vitamin A, folate, and iron.

9. Red pepper

Half a large red pepper has twice your recommended vitamin C, plus vitamins E and K, folate, and fibre. Red peppers go nicely in salads, soups, stews, and stir-fries.

10. Strawberries

Strawberries are sweet, low-calorie, and one of your five daily servings with just seven berries. Strawberries are high in polyphenols and give all your daily vitamin C. They may benefit digestion, brain function, and heart health.

Also see

10 Signs Of Vitamin C Deficiency In Your Body

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