Platelet-Rich Plasma for the Knee: Does It Work?

Knee injuries and osteoarthritis may benefit from PRP. PRP injects a concentrated platelet solution from the patient's blood into the knee to reduce inflammation and mend. Under study, PRP's knee advantages are:

Potential Benefits

Pain Reduction: Some studies show that PRP treatments may help ease knee pain, especially in people with osteoarthritis or torn tendons.

Improved Function: Patients who get PRP therapy may be able to do tasks with less pain because their knees will work and move better.

Anti-inflammatory Effects: Because the growth factors in PRP can help reduce inflammation and stiffness, they may be able to help the knee joint.

Research Findings

Osteoarthritis: Research on knee osteoarthritis and PRP had conflicting outcomes. Some trials demonstrate pain and function gains, whereas others show no difference from placebo injections.

Tendon Injuries: Studies show that patellar tendinopathy and jumper's knee may benefit from PRP injections, which relieve discomfort and speed healing.

PRP therapy's efficacy depends on knee damage severity, the ailment being treated, the patient's health, and responsiveness to treatment.

Selecting Patients

Patients who have not responded to conservative treatments including physical therapy, medicines, or corticosteroid injections may try PRP therapy.

Variable Results: PRP for knee issues is inconsistent among trials, thus additional study is needed to evaluate its long-term benefits and appropriate methods.

Limitations and Considerations:

The cost and insurance coverage: PRP therapy is expensive and may not be covered by insurance. Patients should address finances and insurance with their doctor.

Treatment Plan: The number, interval, and formulation of PRP injections can affect therapeutic outcomes. Individualised clinical assessment-based treatment strategies are crucial.

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