9 Signs and Symptoms of Vitamin B6 Deficiency

Vitamin B6—pyridoxine—supports metabolism, the neurological system, and red blood cell synthesis. Vitamin B6 shortage is unhealthy. Recognizing vitamin B6 insufficiency signs helps diagnose and treat it early.

1. Fatigue and Weakness

Because it helps the body use energy, not getting enough vitamin B6 can make you tired, weak, and generally lack energy.

2. Skin Issues

Vitamin B6 shortage can lead to dry, flaky skin and dermatitis because the vitamin helps keep the skin healthy and speeds up the turnover of skin cells.

3. Cracked Lips and Mouth Sores

If you don't get enough vitamin B6, your immune system and tissues may not be able to heal properly, which can cause cracked lips, sores in the mouth, and swollen tongue.

4. Anemia

Red blood cells can't be made without vitamin B6. Anemia can be caused by a deficiency, which can show up as pale skin, weakness, and lack of breath.

5. Neurological Symptoms

Long-term lack of vitamin B6 can cause nerve damage and neurological signs like numbness, tingling (paresthesia), and muscle weakness.

6. Mood Changes

If you don't get enough vitamin B6, it could change the way your brain makes neurotransmitters, which could cause mood swings, anger, anxiety, and sadness.

7. Difficulty Concentrating

A lack of vitamin B6 can lead to memory loss, trouble focusing, and cognitive impairment, which can affect how the brain works generally.

8. Immune System Weakness

Vitamin B6 helps the defense system do its job. A weak immune system can be caused by deficiency, making people more likely to get diseases.

9. Swollen Tongue

If you don't get enough vitamin B6, you might get glossitis, which is inflammation and swelling of the tongue. This can make it painful and hard to eat or speak.

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