8 Yoga Poses for Your Shoulders

Shoulder strengthening and stretching with yoga improves posture and reduces tension. Here are eight shoulder-focused yoga poses:

This pose makes the core and legs stronger and stretches the shoulders, arms, and back.

Downward-Facing Dog


In this pose, the shoulders and back are gently stretched, which makes you more flexible and calm.

Extended Puppy Pose


The arms are spread out to the sides in this pose, which works the knees and core and opens and strengthens the shoulders.

Warrior II Pose


This pose while sitting focuses on the upper back and shoulders, giving tight shoulder muscles a deep stretch.

Cow Face Pose


To do eagle pose, you have to keep your balance while wrapping one arm around the other. This stretches your shoulders and upper back.

Eagle Pose


Bridge pose is mostly for the back and hips, but it also opens up the chest and shoulders, which makes your balance better.

Bridge Pose


The front of the body, like the shoulders, chest, and stomach, are stretched in camel pose. The back is strengthened at the same time.

Camel Pose


One arm should be threaded under the body for this pose. It stretches the shoulders and upper back and makes you feel calm.

Thread the Needle Pose


Also See

8 Yoga Poses for Your Back Flexibility