8 Yoga Poses for Your Core  - You Must Try

Yoga improves flexibility, relaxation, and core strength. A strong core promotes posture, spine support, and stability. Eight yoga positions for core strength:

Abdominals, shoulders, and legs are worked. Increases body strength and stability. Improves posture and alignment.

Plank Pose (Phalakasana)


Abs, hips, and lower back are targeted. Strengthens core stability. Increases balance and focus.

Boat Pose (Navasana)


Engages obliques and core with plank stance and vigorous movement. Improves agility and coordination. Shoulders and arms are strengthened.

Plank with Knee-to-Elbow (Dolphin Plank)


Strengthens obliques, shoulders, and arms. Increases core stability and balance. Enhances bodily awareness and control.

Side Plank (Vasisthasana)


Increases core challenge with leg lifts. Lower abs and hip flexors. Increases core strength and endurance.

Boat Pose with Leg Raises


Gets the lower back, abs, and glutes working. Upper back, shoulders, and arms are strengthened. Increases bodily stability and control.

Forearm Plank with Leg Lifts


Builds deep core muscles. Abdominal workouts challenge balance and stability. Core endurance and control improve.

Low Boat Pose (Ardha Navasana)


Focuses on core, shoulders, and legs while opening chest and shoulders. Increases spine and shoulder flexibility. Enhances posture and alignment.

Reverse Plank (Purvottanasana)


Also See

8 Yoga Poses for Your Back Flexibility