8 Yoga Poses for Your Back Flexibility

Yoga helps reduce back strain, stiffness, and improve spinal health. These 8 yoga practices improve back flexibility:

This vigorous sequence warms up and mobilizes the spine, enhancing flexibility and mobility.

Cat-Cow Stretch


This pose relaxes the spine, hips, and thighs and promotes serenity.

Child's Pose


Downward dog strengthens the arms and legs and stretches the spine, shoulders, and hamstrings.

Downward Facing Dog


Cobra posture expands the chest, strengthens the spine, and stretches shoulders and abdomen.

Cobra Pose


This position releases neck and upper back stress while stretching the spine, shoulders, and arms.

Extended Puppy Pose


Seated forward fold calms the mind and relieves stress while stretching the spine, hamstrings, and calves.

Seated Forward Fold 


Bridge position opens the chest, strengthens the back, glutes, and hamstrings, and improves posture.

Bridge Pose 


This mild twist stimulates digestion, extends the spine, hips, and shoulders, and detoxifies.

Spine-supine twist


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