8 Foam Rolling Moves to Relieve All Stress

Foam rolling, a popular self-myofascial release technique, reduces stress, tension, and increases flexibility. There are eight foam rolling workouts that reduce tension and target different body parts:

Sit on the floor with the foam roller behind you. Linger on the roller with hands supporting your head. Roll your upper back to target tight places. Relieve upper back and shoulder tightness by breathing deeply and relaxing.

Upper Back Roll


Lay facedown with the foam roller under your thighs. Your arms should support your upper body as you roll from hips to knees. Pause and gently press tight regions. It reduces quadriceps tension and increases leg mobility.

A quad roll


Sit on the floor with the foam roller under your thighs. Roll from your glutes to your knees, elevating your hips slightly with your hands. Be aware of tight spots and breathe deeply to relax.

Hamstring Roll


Lay on your side with the foam roller under your outer thigh. Stay stable with your bottom leg and top hand. Hip-to-knee rolling targets the outer thigh IT band. Breathe through any discomfort in this sensitive spot and adjust the pressure.

IT Band: Roll


Sit on the floor with your legs extended and the foam roller under your calves. Lift your hips and support yourself with your hands behind you. Rolling ankles to knees targets calves. Move weight to press tight places.

Calf Roll


Sit on the foam roller with one leg bent and one ankle over. Lean slightly to the side of the crossed leg and roll the glutes. Switch sides to train both glutes and adjust pressure for comfort.

Glute Roll


Lay on your back with the foam roller under your lower back. Bending your knees and planting your feet provides stability. Roll up and down stress areas from lower back to hips. Arm support and relaxation relieve lower back tension.

Low Back Roll


Lay the foam roller vertically down your mid-back to upper back. Hands support your head while you arch your back over the roller. Deep breathing expands the chest and thoracic spine. Hold for a few breaths before carefully rolling up and down to target the mid- and upper-back.

Thoracic Spine Extension


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