8 Best DIY Natural Face Scrubs for Glowing Skin

Create powerful face scrubs with natural items from your home to obtain bright skin cheaply. Handmade scrubs are mild, inexpensive, and adaptable for different skin types. Get that glow with these eight DIY natural face scrub recipes.


1. Oatmeal-Honey Scrub

Make a paste with equal parts honey and ground oats. Massage moist skin gently in circles. Cleanse with lukewarm water for moisturised skin.

2. Coffee Grounds Scrub

Add a tablespoon of coconut oil to used coffee grounds. Put it on your face and gently scrub it off in upward motions. Coconut oil moisturises and heals, and coffee grounds help get rid of dead skin cells.

3. Sugar and Lemon Scrub

As you squeeze fresh lemon juice into powdered sugar, a grainy paste will form. Scrub into wet skin, paying special attention to rough spots. Lemon makes your face look brighter, and sugar scrubs it clean, making it look clean and healthy.

4. Yogurt and Turmeric Scrub

Add a little turmeric powder to normal yoghurt and mix it together. Put it on your face and let it sit for 10 to 15 minutes. Then, scrub it in slowly in a circular motion. Turmeric can reduce inflammation, and yoghurt can soothe and moisturise the face.

5. Banana and Almond Scrub

Grind up some almonds and add them to a mashed banana. Apply to wet skin, rub in, and wait 5 to 10 minutes before washing off. Almonds gently scrub the skin, and bananas are full of vitamins and minerals that are good for the face.

6. Coconut Oil and Sea Salt Scrub

To make a scrub, mix coarse sea salt with coconut oil. Massage it into your face gently, focusing on dry spots. When you mix coconut oil and sea salt, they successfully scrub and moisturise your skin, leaving it smooth and glowing.

7. Avocado and Honey Scrub

To make a sauce, mash a ripe avocado and add honey. Put it on your face and wait 15 to 20 minutes before washing it off. Essential fatty acids in avocado are good for the skin, and honey moisturises and kills germs.

8. Papaya and Brown Sugar Scrub

Add brown sugar to mashed ripe papaya and mix it all together. Papaya enzymes will exfoliate and improve your skin as you gently scrub it on while it's still wet. Brown sugar helps remove dead skin cells even more, leaving your face smooth and glowing.

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