12 Healthy Ways to Lower Your Blood Sugar

You want to know how to control your blood sugar if you have diabetes, prediabetes, or fluctuations. Living properly and avoiding the blood sugar roller coaster that decreases mood, energy, and hunger is possible. Our 12 tips will boost your blood sugar and health.


1. Walk It Out

Walking lowers and stabilizes blood sugar. Take the stairs, walk errands (if possible), keep your dog walking promise, and bike on the weekend. Daily walks of a few minutes build up. Try 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise weekly.

2. Eat More Barley

Barley may have been overlooked in your quinoa diet. Fiber in whole grains reduces hunger and blood sugar. Barley and intestinal microbes may breakdown glucose. One cup of cooked barley has 6 grams of fiber, which reduces blood sugar, according to the USDA. It complements soups, roasted veggie salads, and fish or chicken sides.

3. Intensify Exercise

Exercise helps your body manage blood sugar, but a heart-pumping activity helps even more. HIIT, such as sprinting on the treadmill for 30 seconds, then walking or jogging till recovery,better blood glucose.

4. Combine Your Macronutrients

Carbs and protein or fat are great for blood sugar regulation. Protein and fat slow digestion, preventing blood sugar spikes. A high rise in blood glucose after eating carbs alone may be followed by a decline, making some people feel hungry.

5. Go for Whole Fruit over Juice

Orange juice isn't like eating an orange."Drinking juice provides more calories and sugar than eating fruit, which includes fiber. A big orange has 4 grams, whereas an 8-ounce juice has less than 1. Avoid drinking too much juice.

6. Walk After Meals

The dishes can wait—dinner is done. Let's walk. Monitor indicated that type 2 diabetics who walked 20 minutes after dinner at a slow-moderate speed significantly lowered their blood sugar. The walk-it-off method works well after carb-heavy meals, including dinner.

7. Pick Veggies Wisely

Peas, maize, and squash comprise 15 grams of carbs per half-cup, per Wylie-Rosett. Nonstarchy vegetables have half that, so you can eat more without raising blood sugar. Everything is good in moderation, but choose nonstarchy lettuce, cauliflower, spinach, kale, and Brussels sprouts.

8. Get Enough Vitamin D

Talk to your doctor about vitamin D to lower diabetes risk. Low vitamin D and calcium influence blood sugar. Sunshine vitamin may affect insulin resistance, say researchers. Sardines, wild or UV-exposed mushrooms, fortified milk, and non-dairy milk are D-rich. Ask your doctor about vitamins.

9. Drink More Water

Drinking water impacts blood sugar. Wylie-Rosett advises against dehydration. Blood glucose rises due to dehydration. Avoid drinking too much. Wylie-Rosett recommends drinking water when thirsty regardless of blood sugar.

10. Snack on Nuts

This compact snack won't affect your blood sugar. Nuts can manage blood sugar when eaten alone or with meals since they include beneficial fats and few carbs. Almonds include 164 calories and 6 grams of carbs per ounce. Aim for five 1-ounce pistachio, almond, and cashew meals each week.

11. Eat More Mindfully

Avoid eating lunch at your computer or dinner while watching TV at night and focus on eating. Steps include noticing hunger and fullness, eating mindfully, and assessing food's emotional impact. Bonus: Mindful eating reduces binge eating and weight gain.

12. Consider Long-Term Health

It's about how your diet relates to metabolic factors like blood sugar levels, blood pressure and cholesterol Medical nutrition treatment connects you with a dietician to assess your needs in many insurance plans. Keeping weight, nutrition, and exercise healthy helps control blood sugar.

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