11 Probiotic Foods That Are Super Healthy

Probiotics are a nutrition buzzword for good reason. These helpful bacteria aid digestion, gut health, and immunity. Probiotic pills are available, but eating probiotic-rich foods is a tasty and natural method to improve your microbial balance. These 11 probiotic foods are healthful and tasty.


1. Yoghurt

Yoghurt, fermented milk with living bacteria, is a popular probiotic food. Find types with "live and active cultures" for probiotic advantages. Greek yoghurt has more probiotics owing to straining.

2. Kefir

The fermented milk drink tastes like yoghurt but is tangier. Milk is fermented with kefir grains, a mix of bacteria and yeast. Besides probiotics, kefir contains calcium, protein, and vitamins.

3. Sauerkraut

Fermented cabbage is a probiotic-rich staple in many cuisines. Traditional sauerkraut ferments cabbage with salt to promote healthy bacteria. Vitamins, antioxidants, and fibre are also included.

4. Kimchi

Kimchi, a spicy fermented vegetable dish prepared with cabbage and radishes, is a Korean staple. Kimchi, like sauerkraut, ferments with lactic acid to add probiotics. It has vitamins A, B, and C and helpful enzymes.

5. Miso

Traditional Japanese seasoning is prepared by fermenting soybeans with salt and koji, a fungus. The paste is salty and umami-rich. In addition to probiotics, miso includes protein, fibre, and other minerals.

6. Tempeh

Tempeh, a fermented soybean food from Indonesia, tastes nutty and is firm. Fermenting roasted soybeans with Rhizopus oligosporus creates it. Probiotic-rich tempeh also has protein and isoflavones.

7. Kombucha

This bubbly fermented tea is known for its tanginess and health advantages. Fermenting sweetened tea with bacteria and yeast creates kombucha. It may aid digestion, detoxification, and immunity.

8. Pickles

Naturally fermented pickles without vinegar include probiotics. Immersing cucumbers in brine lets lactic acid bacteria ferment them into pickles. Probiotic pickles with a crunchy texture and acidic taste.

9. Traditional Buttermilk

Traditional buttermilk is the liquid remaining after churning butter from cultured cream, unlike cultured buttermilk, which ferments skim milk with lactic acid bacteria. It's tart and probiotic-rich.

10. Natto

Natto is a Japanese staple prepared by fermenting soybeans with Bacillus subtilis. Its sticky texture and spicy taste are distinctive. Natto contains probiotics and vitamin K2, which is healthy for bones and hearts.

11. Sourdough Bread

Sourdough bread ferments with lactobacilli bacteria, which may provide probiotic advantages. Choose long-fermented sourdough for optimum probiotics.

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