10 Magnesium-rich Foods That Are Super Healthy

Energy production, muscle and neurone function, blood glucose regulation, and bone health require magnesium. Many people don't receive enough magnesium, a vital mineral. Eat magnesium-rich foods to meet your daily needs. These 10 magnesium-rich foods are tasty and healthy.


1. Spinach

This leafy green is full of magnesium and iron. About 39% of the magnesium you need each day can be found in just one cup of cooked spinach.

2. Almonds

Almonds are a tasty and easy-to-carry snack that are also a great source of magnesium. About 25% of your daily magnesium needs are met by a quarter cup of almonds.

3. Cashews

Cashews are another nut that is high in magnesium. They are also high in vitamins and good fats. About 20% of the magnesium you need each day can be found in a quarter cup of cashews.

4. Avocado

In addition to being tasty and creamy, avocados are very high in magnesium. Along with good fats and fibre, a medium-sized avocado gives you about 15% of your daily magnesium needs.

5. Chocolate Dark

Indulging in dark chocolate can also help you get more magnesium. A one-ounce dose of dark chocolate with a lot of cocoa gives you about 16% of the magnesium you need every day.

6. Bananas

Not only are bananas a quick and easy snack, they also have a lot of magnesium. Along with potassium and vitamin C, a medium-sized banana gives you about 8% of your daily magnesium needs.

7. Quinoa

This old grain doesn't have gluten and has a lot of calcium in it. One cup of cooked quinoa has about 30% of the daily recommended magnesium amount. This makes it a great food for people who are trying to avoid gluten.

8. Pumpkin Seeds

Not only do roasted pumpkin seeds taste great, but they are also full of magnesium. About 42% of your daily magnesium needs are met by a quarter cup of pumpkin seeds. They also have other nutrients like zinc and iron.

9. Black Beans

It's easy to get protein from plants, and black beans are a great source of both. About 30% of the daily necessary magnesium intake is found in one cup of cooked black beans. They also have fibre and other important nutrients.

10. Salmon

This oily fish is full of omega-3 fatty acids and calcium. Along with protein and other important nutrients, a three-ounce dose of salmon gives you about 15% of your daily magnesium needs.

Also see

12 Evidence-based Health Benefits Of Magnesium

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