3 Types of Posture: How to Correct Bad Posture

Body alignment and orientation while sitting, standing, or moving is called posture. Good posture is essential for health. Three types of posture and how to fix them:

1. Neutral Posture

Your spine, head, and limbs should be balanced and relaxed in neutral posture. For neutral posture:

Stand tall with shoulders relaxed and pushed back. Avoid excessive forward head position by keeping your chin parallel to the ground. Use your core muscles to stabilise your spine and keep your lower back curving. Stand with your weight evenly on both feet.

2. Kyphotic Posture

A forward upper spine curvature is kyphotic posture, often known as rounded shoulders or slumped back. Righting kyphosis:

Rows, shoulder blade squeezes, and planks strengthen your upper back, shoulders, and core. Regular chest stretching reduces tension and rounded shoulders. Shoulder retraction exercises expand the chest and pull shoulders back.

3. Lordotic Posture

Lordotic posture, often called swayback, causes the pelvis to lean forward due to an excessive lower back curve. Correct lordotic posture:

Build core, lower back, and hip strength to stabilise your spine. Increase hip flexor and hamstring flexibility to reduce pelvic tilt. Avoid lower back arching by keeping a neutral pelvis while standing and sitting.

Additional Tips for Posture Correction

To maintain proper posture when working or sitting, use ergonomic furniture like a supportive chair and adjustable desk. If your job or lifestyle is sedentary, take breaks to stretch and change positions throughout the day.

Mindfulness and body awareness can help you check your posture and make corrections. Consult a physical therapist or posture specialist to create a customised posture correction strategy.

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